Thursday, March 27, 2025

Beauty & Fashion Powerpoint Templates

This category includes many artistic powerpoint template designs.
Download Beauty & Fashion PowerPoint templates and slide designs for presentations
Terrific and gentle theme with a pastel background showing woman’s neck wrapped up with her long hair and her lips will be a wonderful choice for presentations on beauty, beauty shops, spa salons, hairdressing saloon, beauty industry, cosmetics, makeup, haircuts, etc.

Fashion Design
Beauty & FashionBrown

Fashion Design

Fashion Design Powerpoint template is a nice modern design with a girl illustration on the right side of background that can be useful specially for  fashionable events, cosmetic product advertisement and beauty presentations

Beautiful Poligonal Shapes Backgrounds
Beauty & Fashion

Beautiful Poligonal Shapes

Beautiful Polygonal Shapes powerpoint template is a perfect choice for your classroom presentations. This template has consisted of polygonal shapes as a background that contains a gold ribbon on the top of background, you can write presentation title to this section.

Golden Dragonfly Background
Beauty & Fashion

Golden Dragonfly

Golden Dragonfly powerpoint background is an amazing powerpoint template design with dragonfly images and light effects over the purple background color that can be very suitable for magic presentations, jewelry presentations and decoration events. You can also use this template to create love presentations.

A Candle Powerpoint Themes
Beauty & FashionFuchsia / Magenta

A Candle

A Candle powerpoint template is a romantic abstract design with a cute candle image on the violet background that was designed for your any powerpoint presentations related with love, invitation, beauty, ornamentation, art.

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